The Ultimate
The Kingdom of
Prussia in German revolution history was absolutely great. It was synonymous
with great leadership, energetic spirit, intellectual and moral power of the
man. This glorious Kingdom grew rapidly in the economic and also political
In tracing
historical thumbprint, the empire of Prussia was predominantly established
since 1528, leading by a great Elector with a great care of the health &
discipline of people, impulse in increased territories and endeavoured to
acquire the estate of properties. The growth of the Kingdom of Prussia from
Duchy of Prussia to Union with Brandenburg; acquisitions of Silesia, East
Pomerania, West Pomerania, Magdeburg, Osnabruck, Cleve, Minden and Mark.
Early Postages
The first
stamps were issued in 1850, vignette depicts King William IV, the great
Elector. As the time passed,
history was made, main Prussia territories become part of Germany in 1870, rest
of the territories become part of Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Denmark, Belgium,
Czech Republic and Switzerland, respectively.
Pfennigs = 1 Silbergroschen
Kreuzer = 1 Gulden (1867)
King Frederick William IV
Background of Crossed Lines
1850 Prussia #1a, 4pf Dark Green,
Imperf., Engrave
Wmk. Laurel Wealth, Cancel 572, VFU
EV $150.00 (M)/$110.00 (U)
1850 Prussia #2, 6pf (1/2 sg) Red Orange,
Imperf., Engrave
Wmk. Laurel Wealth, Cancel 1622, VFU
EV $75.00 (M)/$45.00 (U)
1850 Prussia #3, 1 sg Black Rose,
Imperf., Engrave
Wmk. Laurel Wealth, Cancel 779, VFU
EV $75.00 (M)/$7.50 (U)
1850 Prussia #4, 2 sg Black Blue,
Imperf., Engrave
Wmk. Laurel Wealth, Cancel 127, VFU
EV $80.00 (M)/$11.50 (U)
1850 Prussia #5, 3 sg Black Yellow,
Imperf., Engrave
Wmk. Laurel Wealth, Cancel 183, VFU
EV $95.00 (M)/$11.00 (U)
King Frederick William IV
Solid Background
1857 Prussia #6a, 1 sg Carmine Rose,
Imperf., Typo
Unwmk. , Cancel 1, VFU
EV $300.00 (M)/$40.00 (U)
1857 Prussia #7, 2 sg Blue, Imperf., Typo
Unwmk. , Cancel Frabkenh 7/6, VFU,
EV $1,100.00 (M)/$67.50 (U)
1857 Prussia #8, 3 sg Orange, Imperf.,
Unwmk. , Cancel 9 4, VFU
EV $125.00 (M)/$35.00 (U)
1857 Prussia #8a, 3 sg Yellow, Imperf.,
Unwmk. , Cancel 578, Fault
EV $1,250.00 (M)/$82.50 (U)
1857 Prussia #8b, 3 sg Deep Orange,
Imperf., Typo
Unwmk. , Cancel 9/1, Fault
EV $700.00 (M)/$100.00 (U)
1857 Prussia #8, 3 sg Orange, Imperf.,
Unwmk. , Cancel 1473, VFU, *Reprint
EV $125.00 (M)/$35.00 (U)
have a period instead of colon after “SILBERGR”
King Frederick William IV
Background of Crossed Lines
1858 Prussia #9, 4 pf Green, Imperf.,
Unwmk. , Cancel 8 10, VFU
EV $62.5.00 (M)/$27.50 (U)
1858 Prussia #10a, 6pf (½ sg) Brick Red,
Imperf., Engrave
Unwmk. , Cancel 22 4, Adjoining appears 4
Margins, Perfect Margin, VFU, Superb
EV $225.00 (M)/$160.00 (U)
1858 Prussia #10a, 6pf (½ sg) Brick Red,
Imperf., Engrave
Unwmk. , Cancel 386, VFU
EV $225.00 (M)/$160.00 (U)
1858 Prussia #11, 1 sg Rose, Imperf.,
Unwmk. , Cancel 7 8, VFU
EV $27.50 (M)/$2.00 (U)
1858 Prussia #12a, 2 sg Dark Blue,
Imperf., Typo
Unwmk. , Cancel 6 11, VFU
EV $125.00 (M)/$35.00 (U)
1858 Prussia #12, 2 sg Blue, Imperf.,
Unwmk. , Cancel 8 64, VFU
EV $95.00 (M)/$14.00 (U)
EV $95.00 (M)/$14.00 (U)
1858 Prussia #13, 3 sg Orange, Imperf.,
Unwmk. , Cancel 30/12, VFU
EV $82.50 (M)/$12.00 (U)
1858 Prussia #13a, 3 sg Yellow, Imperf.,
Unwmk. , Cancel 20/8, VFU
EV $125.00 (M)/$14.00 (U)
Coat of Arms
1867 Prussia #14, 3 pf Red Lilac,
Rouletted 11 ½, Embossed
Unwmk. , VFU
EV $22.50 (M)/$32.50 (U)
1861 Prussia #15, 4 pf Yellow Green,
Rouletted 11 ½, Embossed
Unwmk. , Cancel 4/9/66, VFU
EV $8.25 (M)/$7.00 (U)
1861 Prussia #16, 6 pf Vermilion,
Rouletted 11 ½, Embossed
Unwmk. , Cancel 22/4, VFU
EV $100.00 (M)/$52.50 (U)
1861 Prussia #17, 1 sg Rose, Rouletted 11
½, Embossed
Unwmk. , Cancel Berlin, VFU
EV $2.75 (M)/$0.65 (U)
1861 Prussia #18, 2 sg Ultra, Rouletted
11 ½, Embossed
Unwmk. , VFU
EV $8.25 (M)/$1.25 (U)
1865 Prussia #20a, 3 sg Brown, Rouletted
11 ½, Embossed
Unwmk. , VFU
EV $325.00 (M)/$27.50 (U)
1861 Prussia #20, 3 sg Bistre, Rouletted
11 ½, Embossed
Unwmk. , VFU
EV $7.75 (M)/$1.60 (U)
1866 Prussia #21, 10 sg Rose, Typo in
Goldbeater’s Skin Paper, Unwmk. , VFU
EV $57.50 (M)/$57.50 (U)
1866 Prussia #22, 30 sg Blue, Rouletted
10, Typo in Reverse,
Goldbeater’s Skin Paper, Unwmk. , VFU,
EV $70.00 (M)/$110.00 (U)
1867 Prussia #23, 1 Kr Green, Rouletted 16,
Unwmk. , LMM
EV $21.00 (M)/$35.00 (U)
1867 Prussia #24, 2 Kr Orange, Rouletted
16, Embossed
Unwmk. , VFU
EV $35.00 (M)/$77.50 (U)
1867 Prussia #25, 3 Kr Rose, Rouletted 16,
Unwmk. , VFU
EV $17.50 (M)/$21.00 (U)
1867 Prussia #26, 6 Kr Ultra, Rouletted 16,
Unwmk. , VFU
EV $17.50 (M)/$35.00 (U)
1867 Prussia #27, 9 Kr Bistre Brown, Rouletted
16, Embossed
Unwmk. , VFU
EV $22.50 (M)/$37.50 (U)