Showing posts with label USA George Washington 1851~1932. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA George Washington 1851~1932. Show all posts

Monday, 26 September 2016

USA George Washington 1851~1932

George Washington
Series of 1851 to 1932
Denomination in Numerals or Alphabets


George Washington was the first President of the United Stated of America (1789~1797) and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.  He was born in February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. 

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A thousand of various US stamps in the Myla’s collection featuring the honoured and commemorated of the famous people, and the new column so-called ‘Thematic Exhibit’ has been introduced in this blog. Hence, the First President of the United Stated of America who was a leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolution has been chosen for the first appearance of the Thematic Exhibit column.


Issued 1851
 3c, Dull Red, Scott #11A, Imperf.
Die II - Double outer frame line
~ CV$15.00 ~

Issued 1857
 3c Rose, Scott #25, Perf. 151/2
Die I – Single outer frame line
4 margins, Pen cancelled, VFU
~ CV$125 ~
Issued 1861
3c Pink Rose, Scott, #64b, Perf. 12
1 margin, Target cancelled, VFU
~ CV$160 ~
Issued 1861
 3c Rose, Scott #65, Perf.12
US Paid cancelled, 3 margins, VFU
~ CV$3 ~
Issued 1861
10c Green, Scott #68a, Perf. 12
Outer line above them which does not appear
4 margins, Centre shifted, VFU
            ~ CV$85 ~      
Issued 1861
10c Green, Scott #68, Perf. 12
Heavy curve line appears below the stars
3 margins, VFU
~ CV$60 ~
Issued 1861
12c Black, Scott #69, Perf. 12
4 margins, Target cancelled, VFU
~ CV$120 ~

Issued 1861
24c Pale Grey Violet, Scott #70d, Perf. 12
Thin Paper, 4 margins, VFU
Superb value & Scarce
~ CV$2,600 ~
Issued 1867
3c Rose, Scott #94a, Perf. 12
4 margins, VFU
~ CV$10 ~
Issued 1867
10c Yellow Green, Scott #96, Perf. 12
3 margins & 1 margin cut
Issued with large gutter, VFU
~ CV$250 ~
Issued 1870
3c Green, Scott #136, White Wove Paper, Perf. 12
Big H.Grill 13x16 points
Elusive stamp, VFU
~ CV$27.50 ~
Issued 1883
2c Red Brown, Scott #210, Perf. 12
4 margins, VFU
~ CV$0.60 ~
Issued 1890
2c Carmine, Scott #220, Perf. 12
4 margins, MNH
~ CV$80.00 ~

Issued 1903
2c Carmine, Scott #319b, Perf.12
Die I, Watermarked
4 margins, MNH
~ CV$25 ~
Issued 1903
2c Carmine, Scott #319i, Perf.12
Die II, Watermarked
4 margins, MNH
~ CV$175 ~
Issued 1923
2c Carmine, Scott #599, Perf. 10 Vertically
Coil Stamp
4 margins, MNH
Issued 1926
2c Carmine, Scott #634, Perf. 11
4 margins, MNH
Issued 1928
2c Carmine, Scott #646, Perf. 11
Overprinted, Rotary Press Printing
4 margins, MNH
Issued 1929
2c Carmine, Scott #671, Perf.  11
Overprinted, Rotary Press Printing
4 margins, MNH
Issue 1932
1/2c Olive Brown, Scott #704, Perf. 11
4 margins, MNH
Issued 1932
2c Carmine Rose, Scott #707, Perf. 11
4 margins, MNH
Issued 1932
4c Light Brown, Scott #709, Perf. 11
4 margins, MNH
Issued 1932
3c Deep Violet, Scott #720, Perf. 11
Block of 4, Serial No. 20970
4 margins, MNH
3c Deep Violet, Scott #722, Perf. 10 Horizontally
4 margins, MNH