Lesson Learnt 5
damaged stamp is known as Space
Filler. Although it was damaged, however the said stamp is still having a
value but not so high as compared with the catalogue value. For me, it is rarer
when the said stamp is categorized as the Early Classic or Vintage stamp,
because it shows the originality of the stamp.
As a Beginner, before you take any action to buy the said stamp, it is better to find the catalogue value first. Please ensure you buy or bid at the right value,
otherwise you may ended with frustration.
the other hand, the degree of faultiness is really important to be determined by
your own pre-judgement through visual viewing or inspection. A few factors you
should know to classify the said stamp is a Space Filler as follows:-
- Postmarks – Heavy cancellation.
- Thickness – Irregular thickness (thinned).
- Creased – Pin hole.
- Stained – Dirty.
- Torn – Colour/texture defect or irregular.
- Nicked – Cut or Scratch.
- Scraped – Printing error due to unskilled handling.
- Short Perforation- Paper has been removed down to the baseline of the perforation holes.
- Off-Centred- Strange eccentric.
- Faded – image disappeared.
Samples of Valuable
Space Fillers
Myla Collection:
1840 One Penny Black - Pin Hole (Used)
Myla Collection:
1856 Two Annas East India B172 Singapore - Faded (Used)
Myla Collection:
1849 France Ceres Series 1F – Colour Torn (Used)
Myla Collection:
1869 France 5c – Scratch (Used)
Myla Collection:
1860 Belgium – Offset Centring (Used)
Myla Collection: 1870
Nederland Indie 2GL 50c - Cut (Used)
Myla Collection:
1870 Spain Ceres 100m.- Heavy Cancellation (Used)
Myla Collection: 1860
Nova Scotia 81/2c – Short Perforation (Mint)